english tutor,中學補習,補習社-Drogba: hunt for blood 德羅巴:睹魔獸嗜血天下 |
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Didier Drogba Undoubtedly one of the best centre forwards in the world today, Didier Drogba is excellent with the ball at his feet and a strong finisher with the ability to use both feet. With incredible aerial prowess and power, there are few players in the world as strong. Drogba made his international debut in 2002 and is now the Ivory Coast's leading all-time goalscorer - leading them as captain to a first ever World Cup appearance in 2006 and netting their first goal in the competition. Drogba is without doubt the Elephants' most important asset. His teammates will be looking for him to inspire from the front. 迪迪埃•德羅巴被公認是當今世界足壇最出色的中鋒之一,他控球技術嫻熟,左右腳均能完成攻門,且射術精湛。德羅巴頭球能力驚人、空中力量十足,其雄健的體魄在球員中十分罕見。德羅巴在2002年上演科特迪瓦國傢隊首秀,2006以隊長身份率領球隊首次征戰世界杯,並為"非洲大象"攻入首個世界杯入球。如今德羅巴已成為科特迪瓦史上最高產的射手,被譽為該國最寶貴的財富。本屆杯賽,出任鋒線尖刀的德羅巴將是科特迪瓦攻城拔寨的最大仰仗! |
- Dec 12 Wed 2012 11:46
Drogba- hunt for blood 德羅巴:睹魔獸嗜血天下