english tutor,中學補習,補習社-Creative start-up cash idea |
【補習社, 英文補習, 補習英文, 中文補習, 補習中文, 英文課程, 暑期課程, 補習數學, 數學補習】 Many of us may dream of owning a small but tasteful bookstore, café, or a flower shop around the corner. But where do you get the money for it? 我們中有很多人可能夢想擁有一間面積不大卻品味高雅的書吧,咖啡館或是位於一傢位於街角的花店。但是該從哪兒籌得一筆經營資金呢? Wen Erniu (her Internet user name), 28, was not held back by the problem. She solved it creatively by getting together with like-minded people. 28歲的文二妞(網名)並沒有被這一難題難倒,她突發奇想,招募瞭一群志同道合的朋友,解決瞭這個問題。 Wen, a sociology graduate, worked as a civil servant at a governmental training institute in Beijing for three years. 文二妞畢業於社會學專業,並在北京某個政府培訓部門當瞭三年公務員。 “Sitting in front of my computer in the office, I always fancied holding a cup of coffee and enjoying the sunshine. Then I had the idea of launching a café of my own,” said Wen. 文二妞說 :“坐在辦公室的電腦前,我總是喜歡端一杯咖啡,愜意的享受陽光。之後便有瞭開一傢自己的咖啡館的想法。” She did not have enough money, and did not want to quit her stable job for a risky startup. 她沒有充足的資金,也不想為瞭這種風險創業而辭去自己穩定的工作。 So she posted on douban.com to invite people to raise funds for a café last year 因此,她去年在豆瓣網上發帖邀請人們一起出資開傢咖啡館。. Unexpectedly, she attracted 79 partners from the Internet, and 410,000 yuan in total to start the project. 出乎意料的是,她吸引瞭79位合夥人,共籌得41萬元人民幣的項目啟動資金。 They worked on plans such as corporate charters and operational guidelines and signed agreements on how to manage the café. 他們起草瞭包括公司章程、業務準則等在內的一系列計劃書,同時簽署瞭有關咖啡館管理工作的協議。 The cafe named “Many People’s Cafe” opened in Beijing last September. 去年九月,這傢"很多人咖啡館”在北京開業。 As 80 people jointly own the 190-square-meter store, disagreements over management were inevitable. 這傢190平方米的小店有80位東傢,因此管理上的分歧自然不可避免。 Arguments flared up over how to decorate the café. Some wanted a rock music theme, others insisted on a rustic look. That was only the beginning. 爭論爆發於咖啡館的裝修問題上,一些人想采用搖滾樂主題,而另一些人則堅持鄉村原始風。而這次分歧僅僅是個開始。 “We are wading across the stream by feeling our way,” said Wen. 文二妞說:“我感覺我們是在摸著石頭過河”。 None of the 80 shareholders has any professional management experience. At the beginning, there were only four waiters in the café and no manager. 80位股東都不具備專業的管理經驗。起初,咖啡館沒有管理人員,隻有4位服務員,沒有店長。 “We found it was not good, so now every three months we elect a manager from shareholders and take turns to manage the café,” said Wen. 文二妞說:“我們發現這樣不行。所以我們現在每三個月就從股東中選出一名店長,大傢輪流管理這傢咖啡館”。 Although this group of young people are proud to run the café on the basis of mutual trust, respect and democracy, the lack of experience and systematic management adds uncertainty to its future. 盡管有一點讓這群年輕人頗為自豪,那就是這傢合開的咖啡吧是建立在相互信任,尊重與民主的基礎上,但相關經驗以及系統管理上的欠缺卻給咖啡館的未來增添瞭不確定性。 Currently, the running cost of the café is 35,000 yuan a month, while the turnover is merely 24,000 yuan, although they have launched a series of activities to attract customers. 目前,咖啡館的運營成本為3.5萬元/月。 盡管他們推出瞭一系列招攬顧客的活動,但營業額卻隻有2.4萬元。 Their model has inspired young people around the country. A café named March was launched by 80 shareholders with 300,000 yuan as capital in Wuhan last week. 他們的這種經營模式激發瞭全國各地年輕人的靈感。上周,另有80位合夥人共同籌集瞭30萬元資本,在武漢開瞭一傢“三月咖啡館”。 “Earning money is not our only goal. Many shareholders joined to make friends, or to have an interesting experience,” said Wen. 文二妞說:“賺錢並非我們唯一的目標,很多股東之所以加盟,是為瞭去結交朋友或去收獲些有趣的經 |