english tutor,中學補習,補習社-不可不知的實習禁區

【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】
Student interns craving job experience and opportunities naturally want to impress their supervisors by having an assertive, can-do attitude. But they may realize later that they`re not ready to shoulder the responsibility that comes with their tasks. 急需工作經驗和機會的在校實習生們,自然想給上司留下個積極進取的好印象。但在接下來的實際工作中,他們可能就會發現自己還未做好承擔崗位責任的-準備。 A startling example of interns who bit off more than they can chew was reported by a CCTV news program last week. Xiong Zhuowei, a professor of medicine at Peking University, died at the university`s First Hospital seven days after spinal surgery in 2006. CCTV reported that three doctors involved in the resuscitation were postgraduate students at Peking University. If this is true, their medical practice would be illegal. The hospital claims that the students had been licensed at that time, but the issuing of their certificates had been delayed. 上周,央視的一檔新聞節目報道瞭一則令人震驚的實習生違規操作事件。北京大學醫學教授熊卓為於2006年在北京大學第一醫院接受脊柱外科手術,7天後死亡。報道稱參與心肺復蘇術的三名醫務人員均為北大的在校研究生。如果報道屬實,那麼其醫療行為屬於違法。而院方表示,三人當時已獲得執業許可,隻是因故延誤瞭執業資格證書的簽發。 The report also revealed that another medical intern was found to be treating patients by himself. The hospital admitted that the student had given prescriptions without a doctor`s guidance. But the hospital insisted this is a case where an intern violated hospital regulations. 該報道還指出,有群眾舉報另外一名實習醫生私自行醫。院方承認這名學生並未得到正規醫生的指導,私自開出處方。但院方堅持認為這僅僅是一起實習生違規的個別事件。 This problem of interns shouldering too much responsibility isn`t limited to the medical field. Across many different industries, interns wanting to impress their supervisors and get a job offer sometimes say "yes" to assignments even if they have no idea how they will accomplish them. 類似這種實習生越權的問題不僅僅局限於醫療領域。在許多行業中,實習生們想給上司留下好印象並急於得到一份工作,大多時候他們會對攤派的任務樂此不疲,即使他們對如何操作一無所知。 Saying "no", in their minds, is a sure way to ruin their already low chance of getting a job offer at the end of their internship. According to a ChinaHR.com survey, 90 percent of students consider internships "very important" to their future, but only 20 percent actually end up getting hired by a company at which they have interned. 在他們眼中,說“不”真的會毀瞭實習結束後原本就很渺茫的轉正機會。據中華英才網一項調查顯示,90%的學生認為實習機會對自己的前途至關重要,不過僅有20%最終真正被實習單位所聘用。 Chen Fuyun, a graduate from Tianjin University, worked as an intern in IBM`s technology department during his senior year last summer. After being told that only 60 percent of interns end up getting a job, he skipped the orientation portion of his internship and asked to be assigned to projects almost immediately. 陳福雲,天津大學畢業生。去年夏天大四的時候,他曾實習於IBM的技術部門。在被告知隻有60%的實習生最終能轉為正式員工後,他跳過實習培訓並立即申請參與實際項目。 Know your limits 清楚你的權限 "In the end, I encountered many problems I could not solve based on my textbook knowledge," Chen said. "To cover up [my weakness], I had to ask professors and seniors for help after work." “結果,我遇到瞭很多用書本知識無法解決的難題,”陳福雲說。“為瞭掩飾我的力不從心,下班後,我必須要去助於教授和老員工們。” Some interns will go even further to make a positive impression on their supervisor. Dong Wei, a 21-year-old senior at China Youth College for Political Sciences, once interned as an ad salesperson at China National Radio. He says the company ranks interns based on the sum of the ad revenue they manage to pull in each month. "To hit the target, some interns choose to bribe clients, or secretly offer commissions," Dong said, noting the obvious ethical concerns raised by such actions. 為瞭給自己上司留下良好的印象,一些實習生甚至付出瞭更多努力。董偉,21歲,中國青年政治學院大三學生,曾以廣告銷售人員的身份在中國人民廣播電臺實習。他說公司以每人每月的廣告銷售總額來劃分實習生的等級。“為瞭達到目標,一些實習生選擇賄賂客戶,或者私下給客戶回扣,”董偉說,同時指出此類行為滋生瞭許多關於職業道德的爭議。 Liu Yu, an HR manager at Sohu.com, says he understands young students` eagerness to show their passion and ability. He adds, however, they "shouldn`t cross some lines". 搜狐公司人事經理劉宇表示,他理解年輕學生迫切想要展示激情和能力的心情。但他也加註:他們“應量力而行”。 Many companies offer interns one- or two-week training sessions for this very reason, according to Liu. "If yours doesn`t, you should take the initiative to learn the limits and responsibilities of an intern by consulting your supervisor or talking to senior colleagues." 劉宇說,針對這一問題,很多公司都向實習生提供1~2周的培訓。“如果你的公司沒有崗位培訓,你應當咨詢上司或老員工,主動去瞭解實習生的權限及責任。” For example, law, media and medical interns should first read national laws, including the Law on Lawyers, the regulations on journalism, and the Law on Medical Practitioners, which list what`s permissible. 例如,法律、傳媒及醫療行業的實習生應當先閱讀國內的相關法律,包括《律師法》,《新聞規范》以及《執業醫師法》,這些法規中都明確列出瞭法律許可的行為。 Li Kechao, a lawyer at the Zhuhai Shengchao Law Firm, says his office warns interns that missteps could cost them their careers. "Even if the plaintiff sues your employer instead of you, you still can`t get away, as the employer might sue you for losses you`ve caused," said Li. 珠海盛潮法律事務所律師李克超,代表其所在的事務所告誡實習生們,一些失誤可能毀掉他們的職業生涯。“即使原告起訴你的雇主而非你本人,你仍然脫不瞭幹系,雇主可能會就你導致的損失起訴你,”李克超說。 Critics say another way to protect interns is to improve the internship system. According to a recent report by 51job.com, 69 percent of HR managers admit they prefer not to write down clear intern responsibilities. Without a written agreement, warns Li, when an intern makes a mistake, the employer can more easily shift responsibility to the intern. 輿論表示另一種保護實習生的方法就是改善實習機制。根據前程無憂最近的一份報告顯示,有69%的人事經理表明他們不想寫清實習生的責權范圍。李克超提醒人們,在缺少書面協議的前提下,一旦實習生出現失誤,雇主可以輕易地將責任推卸到實習生身上
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