english tutor,中學補習,補習社-二月二爆玉米花的習俗由來 |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 二月二龍抬頭,北方人很重視,關於龍抬頭很有很多傳說的故事,也有歷史相關的故事。這是一則歷史與傳說相結合的故事,相傳唐朝武則天登基後,玉帝大怒,下令龍王三年不準給人間降雨,然後龍王仁慈,不忍見百姓受苦,私自降雨,而遭受天帝懲罰,被貶下凡壓在大山之下。玉帝稱,除非金豆開花,否則龍王將永遠壓在大山之下。百姓感恩龍王的救命之恩,四處奔走找金豆,到瞭二月初二這天,忽見有人在曬金黃的玉米種子,那人心想,如果把玉米爆開花不就是金豆開花嗎?於是傢傢戶戶爆爆米花,並設香爐祭天地,龍王因此得救。 According to the folk legend, the 2nd day of the secondlunarmonth is the very day for the dragon king who is in charge of clouds and rains to raise his head. After that day, there will be more and more rain, so that day is also called Spring Dragon Day. Most Chinese northern farmers believe that with the help of that day, all stores, big and small, will be full of grain. Every year when this day comes, those Chinese northern people will carry the lanterns, in the morning to fetch water from the wells and the rivers. They will light the candles, burn incense and playtributeto the dragon king. In the old times people called this "welcome the fields’ dragon." On that day, all the families will eat noodles or friedglutinousrice blocks, and pop corn to enjoy happiness. 根據民間傳說,農歷二月初二是長官雲雨的龍王抬頭之日。過瞭龍抬頭這天,雨水充沛,所以這天被稱為春龍界。中國北方的農民深信龍抬頭後雨水充足這事,到時糧倉無論大小都會裝滿糧食。每當春龍節到來,中國北方都會舞龍,大部分地區在這天早晨傢傢戶戶打著燈籠到井邊或河邊挑水。回到傢裡便點燈、燒香、上供,理發(有習俗正月理發死舅舅)。舊時,人們把這種儀式叫做“引田龍”。這一天,傢傢戶戶還要吃面條、炸油糕、爆玉米花(比作為“挑龍頭”、“吃龍膽”、“金豆開花,龍王升天,興雲佈雨,五谷豐登”),以示吉慶。 A popular fairy tale in the north of China can tell the origin of the day. When Wu Zetian, the empress, in the Tang Dynasty came into power, the Heaven God was so angry that he ordered the dragon kings to stop raining for 3 years. Soon after this, the dragon king who was in charge of the heaven river heard the bitter cries from the folk, saw many people starve to death. He was afraid that there would be no life in no time. Then he went against the Heaven God's order and gave the folk a heavy rain. Because of this, the dragon king was thrown into the folk world by the Heaven God and pressed under a large mountain. 北方慶春龍節還因為另外一個傳說。相傳唐朝,武則天登位做瞭皇帝,玉帝大怒,命令龍王三年之內不能降雨。但龍王日日聽聞百姓哭泣,見無數百姓音饑餓而死,他擔心很快地球上就沒有生命瞭。於是他違背玉帝旨意,給老百姓降瞭一場大雨。玉帝得知後,將司掌天河的玉龍打下天宮,壓在一座大山下面。(山下還立瞭一塊碑,上面寫道:龍王降雨犯天規,當受人間千秋罪。要想重登靈霄閣,除非金豆開花時。) Then the folk hurried to look for gold beans everywhere in order to save him from the pressure. On the 2nd day of the 2ndlunarmonth the next year, when people were drying the corn seeds in the sun, they thought of the corn seeds as gold beans because when they were roasted, they would pop inblossomlike gold beans. So all the families began to pop corn and burn incense and put gold beans on desks. When the dragon king raised his head, he knew the folk were trying to save him, so he shouted to the God, "Gold beans are inblossom, so let me out." After the Heaven God saw all gold beans inblossomin all families, he had to give his order to ask the dragon king to return to the heaven palace and go on with his job of making clouds and rains for the folk. Since then, it has been the folk custom to eat pop corn on the 2nd day of the 2ndlunarmonth. In fact, after the 2ndlunarmonth, since there will be more and more rain which marks the end of little-rain winter. This is a clear characteristic of the monsoon climate in North China. 人們為瞭拯救龍王,到處尋找開花的金豆。到瞭第二年二月初二這一天,人們正在翻曬金黃的玉米種子,猛然想起,這玉米就像金豆,炒開瞭花,不就是金豆開花嗎?於是傢傢戶戶爆玉米花,並在院裡設案焚香,供上“開花的金豆”,專讓龍王和玉帝看見。龍王知道這是百姓在救它,就大聲向玉帝喊到:“金豆開花瞭,放我出去!”玉帝一看人間傢傢戶戶院裡金豆花開放,隻好傳諭,詔龍王回到天庭,繼續給人間興雲佈雨。從此以後,民間形成瞭習慣,每到二月二這一天,人們就爆玉米花,也有炒豆的。 (擴展閱讀:玉米(亦稱玉蜀黍;粵語稱為粟米,臺灣話稱作番麥),是一年生,草本,禾本科植物。原產於中美洲,是印地安人培育的主要糧食作物,喜高溫,17世紀時傳入中國,由於氣候適宜,產量高,迅速普及開來,主要在中國北方和西南山地,很快取代瞭原來這些地區的主要糧食作物粟。又由於它的生長期和冬小麥交錯,在黃河流域附近,無霜期較長的北方地區,可以和冬小麥輪作,達到一年兩熟,增加糧食產量,成為下層人口的主要糧食,是使18世紀後中國人口迅速增長的主要原因之一。在原產地美洲以外,中國是玉米種植最為普及的地區。玉米也是全世界總產量最高的糧食作物。) (所以此文說唐朝就有玉米,是說不通的。還好,傳說就是傳說,僅供娛樂喔。) |
- Dec 04 Tue 2012 09:57