english tutor,中學補習,補習社-畢業在即 創意飛揚 |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 For students majoring in art, theater and film, graduation is a festival event: They are showcasing their best work on campuses all over the country. 對於那些藝術、戲劇與電影專業的學生來說,畢業是一個重大的節日。在全國的各所高校裡,畢業生們正在展示著自己最好的作品。 This tradition is all at once personal and public. The artists are making statements about how they see the world. The public is getting a glimpse of the emerging creative talent. 這項傳統不僅代表著個人,更是吸引瞭公眾的註意。藝術傢們用作品來表現自己如何看待世界,大眾也借此機會一睹這些冉冉升起的“創意之星”的風采。 Kan Tai-keung, dean of the Cheung Kong School of Art and Design at Shantou University, looks forward to this time every year because he is able to see and enjoy art that is mostly unstained by a thirst for money or fame. 汕頭大學長江藝術與設計學院院長靳埭強對每年的這個時候充滿期待,因為他可以欣賞到那些未被名利所玷污的藝術作品。 “There is no wall confining students’ minds,” said Kan. “They gain inspiration from various cultures and styles, and they focus on their interests and dreams.” 靳埭強說:“學生們的思想不受任何約束。他們從各式各樣的文化風格中汲取靈感,隻關註自己的興趣與夢想。” Student artists agree that the university shelters them from outside pressures and allows them to exercise their own minds. 學校給予學生們一個與外界壓力絕緣的空間,使他們能夠小試身手,鍛煉才智。學生們對此舉表示贊同。 “We can think more creatively when we keep our work away from ‘money pollution’,” said 24-year-old Meng Lingjiao, a senior majoring in acting at Shanghai Theater Academy. In a stage production, she and her classmates played out five dreams where young people talk about their study and love worries. 上海戲劇學院表演專業大四學生, 24歲的孟凌嬌(音譯)說:“當我們的作品與商業絕緣時,我們就可以更加天馬行空地去創作瞭。” 孟凌嬌和同班同學在他們剛演完的舞臺作品中,展示瞭年輕人談論學業和愛情困惑的五個夢境。 To create an “in-the-dream” atmosphere, they put the audience in the center of the theater and the cast performed around them. The audience are “deliberately” invited to confuse their own life experiences with those of the characters. 為瞭塑造一個夢境般的氛圍,他們將觀眾安排在劇場中央,演員們在觀眾的四周進行表演。如此精心的安排舍得觀眾難以區分,哪個是真實生活經歷,哪個是角色的表演。 Many other young artists like Meng use graduation projects to display their own understanding of social issues and childhood memories. And their unrestrained creativity can lead to a new way of looking at traditions. 同孟凌嬌一樣,另一些青年藝術傢們用畢業設計來展示自己對於社會事件以及童年記憶的獨特理解。同時他們那些天馬行空的創意也賦予人們一個審視傳統的新視角。 Pollution-free art “純粹”的藝術 Kan, the Shantou University dean, cited work produced by an American student to further explain his excitement about the creativity of students. 為瞭更好地表達學生們的創意帶給他的驚喜,汕頭大學長江藝術與設計學院院長靳埭強拿一位美國學生的作品作為例子。 The US Vietnam Veterans Memorial was designed by American Maya Ying Lin in 1982. Lin was a 21-year-old architecture major at Yale University at the time. The design she submitted to the US government was given a B by her Yale professor, but the government committee saw her design as refreshingly creative and unique. 1982年美國人林瓔設計瞭美國越戰紀念碑。那時21歲的林瓔還隻是一個耶魯大學建築系的學生。對於這份提交給美國政府的設計方案,耶魯大學教授隻給瞭B的成績。但政府委員會卻認為她的設計令人耳目一新,可謂匠心獨具。 “Experienced designers believed the memorial should stand high,” said Kan. “But she designed one that stayed low to the ground, like a scar on the earth cut by the war. It showed the greatness of young imagination.” “資深設計師們認為紀念碑應該是高高聳立的,但她設計的紀念碑卻是向地下延伸,就如同戰爭帶給地球的一道傷疤。這個設計投射出年輕人偉大的想象力。 Tang Bo, a 22-year-old senior majoring in experimental art at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, sees his graduation design as a challenge to tradition. It’s an emperor’s chair made of biscuits. 22歲的唐博(音譯)是中央美術學院實驗藝術專業大四學生,他將自己的畢業設計視為對傳統的挑戰。他的作品是一把用餅幹制成的龍椅。 To Tang, the emperor’s chair stands for power and old tradition in China. “Traditions don’t have to be serious. So in my design, the chair becomes something delicious,” Tang explained. 對於唐博來說,龍椅在中國代表著權力和古老傳統。他解釋說:“傳統不一定要十分凝重。因此在我的作品中,這把椅子成為瞭美味的象征。” Tang says he and his artistic peers share a natural bond with young audiences, because their “Muses” are often memories and images shared by the whole generation. “I guess many of young people had a childhood dream of living in a big house made of candies,” he said. 唐博表示,他和本專業的其他同學與作品的年輕受眾們有一種天然的內在聯系,因為他們的創作靈感經常來源於同輩人所共有的記憶與畫面。他表示:“我想許多年輕人在童年時都夢想過擁有一間大大的糖果房子。” “Maybe after graduation we’ll have to design for the market,” said Tang. “But in our last days at college, we know what it’s like to insist on making our own creations.” 唐博說:“也許畢業之後,我們的設計必須要向市場妥協。但在校最後的這段日子裡,我們 |