english tutor,中學補習,補習社-帶狗狗上班可減輕工作壓力?

【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】


Bringing your dog to the office could lower your stress levels and improve morale among your fellow employees, a study suggests.   一項研究表明,把你的狗狗帶到辦公室裡可以降低你的壓力值,同時還能提升職員的士氣。   Although bringing a pet to work could come with practical difficulties, a trial at an American company suggested it improved people's job satisfaction.   盡管把寵物帶到上班的地方實施起來有一定的難度,但來自一傢美國公司的試驗表明這一做法提高瞭人們的工作滿足感。   Dog owners also reported that it reduced their feelings of stress, which previous studies suggest can lead to higher rates of absence and lower productivity.   狗狗的主人們說狗狗可以降低他們的緊張感,但早前的研究則表明這一做法會導致員工的缺席率增加和工作效率低下。   Researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University studied 75 people at a manufacturing company where each day for a trial week 20 to 30 people were allowed to bring their dogs to work.   來自弗吉尼亞州聯邦大學的研究人員對一傢生產公司的75名員工進行瞭研究。在這一工廠裡,每天有20到30的人員得到允許可以帶他們的狗狗來工作。   Using samples of saliva taken throughout the day they compared levels of stress hormones among people who brought in their pets, people who owned dogs but left them at home, and staff who did not have pets.   通過采樣一天的唾液,他們比較瞭三個不同人群的壓力激素:帶寵物來工作的人們,養狗狗但留在傢裡的人們和沒有養寵物的職員。   First thing in the morning there was no difference between the groups, but during the day stress levels declined among people who had their dogs by their side and increased among the other two groups.   早上各個人群間還沒有什麼不同,但是在工作的白天期間,有狗狗待在身旁的人們的壓力激素水平下降瞭,而其他兩組人群的壓力激素卻上升瞭。   Having dogs in the workplace appeared to improve morale among all members of staff, regardless of whether their pets were present, the researchers reported in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management.   據《工作場所健康管理》雜志的研究人員報道,帶狗狗到工作的地方可以激勵職員的士氣,不管他們的寵物有沒有在他們身邊。   Randolph Barker, who led the study, said: "The differences in perceived stress between days the dog was present and absent were significant. The employees as a whole had higher job satisfaction than industry norms."   負責這項研究的倫道夫巴克說:“在這些天裡,狗狗在身邊和不在身邊時人們顯示出的壓力差別很明顯。總的來說,比起工業標準,雇員會有更高的工作滿足感。”

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