english tutor,中學補習,補習社-谷歌的加密網絡搜索引擎新鮮出爐

【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】
Google just announced that it is rolling out a new beta feature that will allow users to enable Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption when using Google's Web search. Currently, whenever you search on Google, your search data is not encrypted and anybody with enough interest in getting this data can do so by listening in on your connection. Now, Google will use the same encryption methods that banks on e-commerce sites use to prevent others from snooping on your searches as your data moves between your browser and Google's servers。   谷歌剛剛宣佈,它即將推出一個新的測試版功能,用戶在使用谷歌網絡搜索引擎時,會對搜索數據啟用安全套接層 (SSL)加密技術。目前的谷歌搜索中,你的搜索數據毫無隱秘可言,但凡有人想要洞悉這些數據,隻需偷偷監聽你的連接,你的諸般作為立刻昭然若揭。現在好瞭,谷歌將采用與電子商務網站銀行同樣的加密方式,這樣一來,數據在瀏覽器與谷歌服務器間互通往來之時,你再也不用擔心哪個傢夥暗中窺探你瞭。   Google's move towards encrypting your data as it moves between your browser and Google's servers means that it will be very hard to hackers and governments to spy on your searches. Google added secure connections to Gmail and Google Docs quite a while ago and made SSL the default setting for all Gmail users earlier this year。   谷歌即將推出的此種數據加密方式,將為網絡黑客和政府設置下層層障礙,沒有誰再可以輕而易舉的掌握你的動態。其實谷歌早就對Gmail和Google Docs添加瞭安全連接,並且就在年初使SSL成為瞭Gmail用戶的默認設置 協議。   Using Secure Search   使用安全搜索   To access this new feature, head to https://www.google.com. Google, however, is only rolling this feature out slowly, so it might not be available for you yet. It's also important to point out that this secure connection is only available for the main Google Search page right now. Searches on Google Maps and Image Search are not encrypted at this time and links to these unencrypted services won't appear on the secure Google Search site。   要使用此功能的話,目前你還隻能先使用https://www.google.com嘗嘗鮮。穩重的谷歌還是希望此功能平穩過渡,所以在正經八百的谷歌上,你還無法使用該功能。另外,當下的安全連接僅針對的隻是谷歌主搜索頁面。而眼下對谷歌 “地圖”和谷歌“圖片”這樣的搜索界面,還未啟用加密功能索,https://www.google.com搜索引擎上也沒有這些未加密服務的鏈接。   It is worth noting that Google itself just got into hot water by "accidentally" gathering data from on unencrypted Wi-Fi connections while collecting WiFi data for StreetView and its geolocation API. Google itself, of course, will still collect data about your search history and use it to personalize its own ads and services accordingly。   尤其值的一提的是,谷歌剛剛自己淌入瞭侵犯隱私的渾水之中,在為其街景(StreetView)項目和Geolocation API收集WIFI數據時,谷歌“偶然間”收集瞭未加密的Wi-Fi連接上的數據,從而導致瞭軒然大波。當然,就谷歌本身來說,還會一如既往地收集用戶的搜索歷史數據,用以使它的廣告及相應服務更加人性化。
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