english tutor,中學補習,補習社-谷歌招募全職塗鴉手 要幽默並熱愛藝術品

【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】

Google is advertising for a new Doodler to create the special designs that celebrate historic figures and events on its home page. The job calls for a "sense of humor, love of all things historical and imaginative artistry". "First impressions matter," Google told prospective Doodlers. "Every day, hundreds of millions of online users visit the Google homepage. Yes, to search. But also, to be delighted, informed, and surprised (And maybe even to laugh a little). "The Google Doodle makes this possible - it's the change that is constant on Google.com." "From Jules Verne to Pac-Man, you have the reins to our brand and iconic logo and can run free with your innovative ideas." Based at Google headquarters in Mountain View, California, the successful candidate will also have graphic design qualifications or at least four years professional experience. No salary details were given. Google's employee selection process is famously rigorous, requiring several stages of professional and personal interviews, on the phone and in person, as well as tests. "Virtually every person who interviews at Google talks to at least four interviewers, drawn from both management and potential colleagues," Google says in its information for applicants. The firm's first Doodle was created in 1998 to mark the Burning Man festival, a counter-culture gathering in Nevada popular in Silicon Valley and attended by Google's executive chairman Eric Schmidt, and its founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The designs have become ever-more frequent and complicated since then, incorporating animations and interactive elements. Doodles this year have celebrated the 80th anniversary of the opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, and the 182nd birthday of Eadweard J. Muybridge, the photographer who proved that all four of a galloping horse's legs are off the ground simultaneously. (Read by Emily Cheng. Emily Cheng is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) 谷歌目前正登廣告招募一位新的塗鴉手為其創作設計主頁上紀念歷史人物和事件的特別圖案。 這份工作需要“幽默感以及對一切具有歷史感和想象力的藝術品的熱愛”。 谷歌告訴有意應聘塗鴉者的人說:“第一印象很重要。” “每天,上億的網絡用戶會訪問谷歌首頁。一方面是為瞭搜索,另一方面,他們也到這裡找找樂子、獲取信息,並期待驚喜(甚至可能會心一笑)。 “谷歌塗鴉讓這些成為可能——它是谷歌網站上恒定的變化元素。” “從儒勒•凡爾納到吃豆人,基於我們的品牌和標識,你可以在此自由揮灑你的創意。” 從加利福尼亞州山景城的谷歌總部得知,合格的候選人還需擁有平面設計的資歷以及至少四年的專業工作經驗。具體薪酬還沒有透露。 谷歌的人才招聘是出瞭名的嚴苛,需通過多個階段、各種形式(電話面試,現場面試,筆試)的專業及個人面試。 谷歌在致申請者的信息中說道:“通常每位到谷歌面試的求職者都需要與至少四位面試官進行談話,包括管理人員和未來可能成為同事的人。” 谷歌的第一次塗鴉是在1998年用以慶賀一個反傳統文化節日——火人節,這個節日在矽谷很受歡迎。當年谷歌的執行主席埃裡克•施密特,以及谷歌創始人拉裡•佩奇和謝爾蓋•佈林都參加瞭那場在內華達州舉行的聚會。 從那以後谷歌塗鴉用得更頻繁,設計也更復雜,融入瞭動畫和互動元素。 今年,谷歌為慶祝悉尼海港大橋開通80周年設計瞭塗鴉,還用塗鴉紀念攝影師埃德沃德•邁佈裡奇誕辰182周年,該攝影師證實瞭馬在騰空瞬間四隻腳是同時離地的

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