english tutor,中學補習,補習社-掛鑰匙兒童 Latchkey kid

【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】
今天是兒童節,我們繼續關註跟兒童有關的詞語表達。很多現在已經不是兒童的人們大概都曾經屬於這樣一個群體,脖子上掛串鑰匙,放學回傢自己開門,自己一個人在傢待著寫作業或看電視,餓瞭也隻能忍著,等爸媽回來才能吃上飯。這就是我們今天要說的“掛鑰匙兒童”。 Latchkey kid or latchkey child refers to a child who returns from school to an empty home because his or her parent or parents are away at work, or a child who is often left at home with little or no parental supervision. “掛鑰匙兒童”指因為父母出去工作,所以放學後獨自在傢、無人照看的孩子。 The term refers to the latchkey of a door to a house. The key is often strung around the child's neck or left hidden under a mat (or some other object) at the rear door to the property. The term is claimed to have originated from an NBC documentary in 1944, due to the phenomenon of children being left home alone becoming common during and after World War II, when one parent would be enlisted into the armed forces, so the other would get a job. 這裡的“鑰匙”指的就是房門的鑰匙。這些孩子一般都把鑰匙掛在脖子上或者藏在房子後門的門墊(或其它物件)底下。據說,“掛鑰匙兒童”這個說法來自於NBC(美國全國廣播公司)1944年的一部紀錄片。這部紀錄片講的是二戰以後,夫妻中的一方必須參軍,而另一方就得出去工作養傢,因此,把孩子獨自留在傢裡的情況越來越普遍。 The effects of being a latchkey child differ with age. Loneliness, boredom and fear are most common for those younger than 10 years of age. In the early teens, there is a greater susceptibility to peer pressure, potentially resulting in alcohol abuse and smoking. “掛鑰匙兒童”的身份對孩子的影響因年齡而不同。十歲以下的孩子最容易感到孤獨、無聊和恐懼。10-15歲之間的孩子們則會面臨更多來自同伴的壓力,可能導致的結果就是酗酒或者抽煙。
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