english tutor,中學補習,補習社-發發慈悲,分享你的巧克力吧!

【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】

Eating a little chocolate every day seems to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a team of German scientists. 據德國一個科學傢團隊稱,每天吃一點巧克力能夠降低心血管疾病的發病率。 The researchers have produced a study that builds on evidence that chocolate, especially dark chocolate, can lower your risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke by 39 percent, albeit if taken in very small amounts. 這項研究依靠證據證明瞭及時是攝入很少量的巧克力,尤其是黑巧克力,也可以降低心臟病的患病率。 The study was very careful to caution against eating too much chocolate, however. 然而這項研究同時也嚴厲警告不宜攝入過多巧克力。 The study's lead author,Buijsse says that, "Dark chocolate exhibits the greatest effects, milk chocolate fewer, and white chocolate no effects." 這項研究的發起人Buijsse說:“黑巧克力的效果最好,牛奶巧克力次之,白巧克力沒有效果” The results, published in the European Heart Journal, showed chocolate consumption appears to lower cardiovascular disease risk, in part through reducing blood pressure. 這項結果發佈在歐洲心臟日報,這項結果顯示食用巧克力似乎有助於降低心血管疾病,也有降低血壓的部分功效。

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