english tutor,中學補習,補習社-胡錦濤:在第五屆亞太經合組織人力資源開發部長級會議上的致辭

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深化交流合作 實現包容性增長   ——在第五屆亞太經合組織人力資源開發部長級會議上的致辭   中國國傢主席 胡錦濤   2010年9月16日   Deepen Exchanges and Cooperation for Inclusive Growth   --Address by President Hu Jintao At the Fifth APEC Human Resources Development Ministerial Meeting   September 16, 2010   女士們,先生們:   Ladies and Gentlemen,   今天,來自亞太經合組織各成員的朋友們齊聚北京,參加第五屆亞太經合組織人力資源開發部長級會議。這次會議的主題是“開發人力資源、大力促進就業、實現包容性增長”。首先,我謹代表中國政府和人民,對會議的召開表示熱烈的祝賀!對與會各位代表表示誠摯的歡迎!   Today, friends from the APEC member economies are gathering in Beijing for the Fifth APEC Human Resources Development Ministerial Meeting. The theme of the meeting is "Developing Human Resources, Vigorously Promoting Employment and Realizing Inclusive Growth". First of all, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, warm congratulations on the opening of the meeting and sincere welcome to all delegates。   亞太地區是全球最具發展活力和潛力的地區之一,21個成員的經濟總量占世界經濟總量近60%,在世界經濟格局中具有重要地位和作用。經過21年的發展,亞太經合組織已成為亞太地區機制最完善、層級最高的經濟合作組織之一。   The Asia-Pacific region is among the world's most dynamic regions with the greatest development potential. It has an important place and role in the world economy, with the 21 APEC member economies making up nearly 60% of total global economic output. After 21 years of development, APEC has become an economic cooperation organization in the Asia-Pacific region that has the most full-fledged institutions and attracts the highest level of participation。   國際金融危機的發生和應對使我們更加深刻地認識到,在經濟全球化深入發展的今天,要推動世界經濟可持續增長、有效應對世界經濟面臨的風險和挑戰,各國各地區必須加強交流合作,協力解決經濟發展中的深層次、結構性問題。2009年亞太經合組織第十七次領導人非正式會議就包容性增長達成共識,提出要更好抓住經濟全球化帶來的機遇、更好應對經濟全球化帶來的挑戰,創造就業機會,造福廣大民眾。實現包容性增長,切實解決經濟發展中出現的社會問題,為推進貿易和投資自由化、實現經濟長遠發展奠定堅實社會基礎,這是亞太經合組織各成員需要共同研究和著力解決的重大課題。   In the wake of the international financial crisis and based on our experience in dealing with the crisis, we have become more acutely aware of one thing. In an era of deepening economic globalization, if we want to ensure sustained global economic growth and effectively tackle the risks and challenges faced by the world economy, all countries and regions must strengthen exchanges and cooperation and work together to address the underlying, structural issues in economic development. The 17th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in 2009 reached consensus on inclusive growth, and highlighted the importance of seizing the opportunities brought by economic globalization to better meet the challenges of economic globalization and create job opportunities for the benefit of our people. To realize inclusive growth, to resolve the social issues emerging from economic development and to lay a solid social foundation for trade promotion, investment facilitation and long-term economic development are all major topics that we, the APEC member economies, need to work on together。

實現包容性增長,根本目的是讓經濟全球化和經濟發展成果惠及所有國傢和地區、惠及所有人群,在可持續發展中實現經濟社會協調發展。我們應該朝著生產發展、生活富裕、生態良好的目標,堅持發展經濟,著力轉變經濟發展方式,提高經濟發展質量,增加社會財富,不斷為全體人民逐步過上富裕生活創造物質基礎。我們應該堅持社會公平正義,著力促進人人平等獲得發展機會,逐步建立以權利公平、機會公平、規則公平、分配公平為主要內容的社會公平保障體系,不斷消除人民參與經濟發展、分享經濟發展成果方面的障礙。我們應該堅持以人為本,著力保障和改善民生,建立覆蓋全民的社會保障體系,註重解決教育、勞動就業、醫療衛生、養老、住房等民生問題,努力做到發展為瞭人民、發展依靠人民、發展成果由人民共享。在這裡,我願就本次會議主題提出以下4點建議。   The ultimate purpose of inclusive growth is to spread the benefits of economic globalization and economic development among all countries, regions and people and to realize balanced economic and social progress through sustainable development. Our goal is greater productivity and prosperity and a better environment. To this end, we must develop the economy, transform the economic development pattern, raise the efficiency of economic development, and create more social wealth so that our people can lead a better life. We should pursue social equity and justice. To this end, we must ensure everyone equal access to development opportunities, steadily put in place a system for guaranteeing social equity with a focus on ensuring fairness in rights, opportunities, rules and distribution, and eradicate obstacles that keep our people from participating in economic development or sharing the fruits of economic development. We should put people first, ensure and improve people's livelihood, institute a social safety net that covers all, and address issues vital to people's livelihood, including education, labor and employment, health care, old-age support and housing. We should work hard to ensure that development is for the people and by the people and its fruits are shared among the people. Here, I want to make the following four proposals within the context of the theme of the meeting:   第一,優先開發人力資源。人力資源開發,對提高人們參與經濟發展和改善自身生存發展條件,對推動經濟持續發展、實現包容性增長,具有基礎性的重要意義。人力資源是可持續開發的資源,人力資源優勢是最需培育、最有潛力、最可依靠的優勢。我們應該牢固樹立人力資源是經濟社會發展第一資源的理念,加快形成人力資源優先發展的戰略佈局。要優先調整人力資源結構,優先投資人力資源開發,創新人力資源制度,建立政府、社會、用人單位、個人共同投資人力資源開發機制,積極謀劃和調整人力資源專業結構、層級結構、分佈結構,大力激發各類人力資源的創新活力和創造智慧。   First, give priority to human resources development. Human resources development holds the key to people's full participation in economic development and to improvement of conditions for their survival and development. It also provides the basis for sustainable economic development and inclusive growth. Development of human resources can be sustainable. Among all the advantages we are endowed with, the advantage in human resources is the most reliable. It can bring out the greatest potential in us and its development calls for our utmost efforts. We should be committed to the concept that human resources are the number one resources in economic and social development, and should speed up efforts to form strategies that give priority to human resources development. We should focus on readjusting the structures of human resources and investing in human resources development. We should make institutional innovations in human resources development by building a development mechanism that is jointly invested by the government, society, employers and individuals. And we should actively plan for and make readjustments to the professional mix, level and distribution of human resources, so as to boost the innovation power of human resources of all kinds。   第二,實施充分就業的發展戰略。就業是民生之本,實現社會充分就業是讓更多人分享經濟社會發展成果的重要途徑。我們應該把充分就業作為經濟社會發展的優先目標,實施擴大就業的發展戰略,最大限度創造勞動者就業和發展機會,努力實現充分就業。要強化政府促進就業的責任,實施更加積極的就業政策,實施相應的財政、金融、產業等方面政策,建設覆蓋城鄉的公共就業服務體系,健全面向所有困難民眾的就業援助長效制度,完善就業與社會保障的聯動機制,促進體面勞動,構建和諧勞動關系。   Second, implement the strategy of full employment. Employment is vital to people's livelihood. Full employment in society will enable more people to share the fruits of economic and social development. We should make full employment our priority goal in economic and social development and implement the strategy of expanding employment to maximize employment and development opportunities for workers and ensure full employment for our people. The government should take greater responsibility in employment promotion. We should implement a more proactive employment policy and relevant fiscal, financial and industrial policies and build a public service system for employment that covers both rural and urban areas. We need to improve the long-term employment aid system that is accessible to all people with difficulties, and enhance the interactive mechanism between employment and social security. We also need to promote decent work as well as harmonious labor relations。

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