english tutor,中學補習,補習社-歷屆世界杯吉祥物集錦(下)

【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】


Ato, Kaz and Nik

Orange, purple and blue (respectively) futuristic, computer-generated creatures. Collectively members of a team of "Atmoball" (a fictional football-like sport), Ato is the coach while Kaz and Nik are players. The three individual names were selected from shortlists by users on the Internet and at McDonald's outlets in the host countries.



Goleo VI

A lion wearing a Germany shirt with the number 06 and a talking football named Pille. Goleo is a portmanteau of the words "goal" and "leo", the Latin word for lion. In Germany, "Pille" is a colloquial term for a football.

2006年德國世界杯的吉祥物名叫“高裡奧六世(Goleo VI)”。他是一隻可愛的獅子。他活靈活現,可以說話,可以思考,自然的,他也有自己的思想和觀點,因為誰也不是生來就會成為吉祥物的。“高裡奧六世”身高2米,也是自1974年世界杯以來,世界杯第一次擁有的一個“活生生”的吉祥物。陪伴在高裡奧六世身邊的是一隻名叫“菲利”的能說話的足球。他們是一對獨一無二的搭檔,因為菲利和高裡奧無話不談。對足球共同的熱愛以及高裡奧讓世界杯成為“世界上最盛大的聚會”的目標讓他們親密無間。



Zakumi is a leopard, a common animal found in South Africa, with green hair wearing a shirt saying South Africa 2010. Zakumi's green and gold colors represents South African national sports' teams colors. His name comes from "ZA", the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for South Africa, and "kumi", a word that means "ten" in various African languages.



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