english tutor,中學補習,補習社-美宇航局禁止太空性行為 |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 International Space Station sex ban
Commanders do not allow sexual intercourse on the International Space Station. Commanders do not allow sexual intercourse on the International Space Station, it has been disclosed. "We are a group of professionals," said Alan Poindexter, a NASA commander, during a visit to Tokyo, when asked about the consequences if astronauts boldly went where no others have been. "We treat each other with respect and we have a great working relationship. Personal relationships are not ... an issue," said a serious-faced Mr Poindexter. "We don't have them and we won't." Mr Poindexter and his six crew members, including the first Japanese mother in space Naoko Yamazaki, were in Tokyo to talk about their two-week resupply mission to the International Space Station. The April voyage broke new ground by putting four women in orbit for the first time, with three female crew joining one woman already on the station. Sexual intercourse in space may appear out of bounds, but astronauts have been known to succumb to earthly passions. In 2007 former NASA astronaut Lisa Marie Nowak allegedly wore adult diapers when driving hundreds of miles across the United States without bathroom breaks to confront a suspected rival in a romance with a fellow astronaut. 有消息稱,(美國宇航局的)指揮官日前做出明確表示,禁止宇航員在國際空間站發生性行為。 美國宇航局的指揮官阿蘭•波因德克斯特日前在東京(出席發佈會時)被問及如果宇航員發生太空性愛該如何處理時一臉嚴肅地說:“我們都是專業人士。” “大傢互相尊重,工作關系良好,不會發生個人情感方面的問題。我們不會也不允許做那樣的事情。” 波因德克斯特曾於今年4月帶領六名宇航員飛赴國際空間站執行為期兩周的空間站補給任務。這六名宇航員中包括日本首位太空媽媽山崎直子。 此次航天任務首次有四名女宇航員加入,其中一名女宇航員此前已駐紮在空間站。 在太空發生性行為似乎不合情理,但據悉曾經就有宇航員按捺不住自己的激情。 2007年,美國宇航局女宇航員麗莎•瑪麗•諾瓦克為截住情敵,怕上廁所浪費時間穿著成人紙尿褲驅車幾百英裡穿越美國大陸找對方對質,據悉兩人同時愛上瞭一個男同事。 |
- Dec 05 Wed 2012 10:33