english tutor,中學補習,補習社-蘋果新地圖錯誤太多遭吐槽 |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 蘋果最新發佈的iOS6操作系統自帶的地圖因錯誤百出而被用戶密集吐槽。愛爾蘭司法部長甚至對蘋果公司發出警示信息,稱其新地圖將都柏林郊區的一個農場標成瞭機場,這樣的信息可能會使飛行員做出錯誤的判斷而引發災難。在用戶發佈的截屏圖片中,有個博物館地址顯示在河流底部;莎士比亞的出生地斯特拉特福竟然不存在;用戶搜索英國首都倫敦,地圖顯示的卻是加拿大安大略省的倫敦市。另外,很多用戶都抱怨蘋果新版地圖取消瞭公共交通線路和站點的顯示,這個應用在原來的谷歌地圖中頗受歡迎。蘋果公司發言人在一份聲明中表示,蘋果新地圖是基於雲技術的系統,用的人越多表現會越好。他們對用戶提出的各種反饋表示感謝,並表示會盡力提升用戶體驗。而為蘋果新地圖提供衛星導航服務的荷蘭公司TomTom則表示對地圖的錯誤沒有責任。 Apple has faced a chorus of complaints since iOS 6 was made available for download Wednesday, and the griping will likely grow louder as people get their hands Friday on new iPhone 5s. Get Flash Player The Washington Monument towers above the National Mall in Washington, directly between the U.S. Capitol to the east and the Lincoln Memorial to the west. But Apple seems to think it lies several hundred yards to the south, near the Potomac River. The mistake appears to be one of many in Apple's new mobile maps, which replaced Google Maps as the default map application in iOS 6, the new operating system for iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches. Apple has faced a chorus of complaints since iOS 6 was made available for download Wednesday, and the griping will likely grow louder as people get their hands Friday on new iPhone 5s. "What Apple has done with #iOS6 maps is like planning a mission to outer space and NOT TALKING TO NASA," tweeted a tech-loving comedian. Apple announced earlier this year it was replacing its mobile map software from Google with a new Apple-designed system. All iPhone and iPad users are now forced to use the new map system when they update their software or buy the iPhone 5, which will come pre-loaded with the maps. But within minutes of the new software launch on Wednesday, iPhone users began to point out that a number of landmarks had been misplaced on Apple maps, incorrectly named and lost entirely. Screenshots posted online appear to show a museum located underneath a river, while the map service seems to deny the existence of the English town Stratford-upon-Avon, where Shakespeare was born. Other users say a search for London directed them to London, Ontario, in Canada, instead of the British capital. Many customers say they are upset that Apple has removed mentions of public transportation routes or stations from its new map service, a popular feature on the Google system which allowed users to see bus and train schedules at individual stations. Ireland's Minister for Justice expressed concern that the new Apple maps identify a working farm in a residential area of suburban Dublin as an airport, a potential hazard for pilots. The Apple's maps have already inspired a Tumblr feed, the ironically named "The Amazing iOS 6 Maps," filled with examples of mangled mapping. And some Twitter users pointed out the irony in that the new map system was unable to pinpoint an Apple store in Sydney, Australia, which it placed on the wrong side of the road. "Customers around the world are upgrading to iOS 6 with over 200 new features including Apple Maps, our first map service," Apple spokeswoman Trudy Miller said in a statement. "We are excited to offer this service with innovative new features like Flyover, turn-by-turn navigation and Siri integration. We launched this new map service knowing it is a major initiative and that we are just getting started with it. Maps is a cloud-based solution and the more people use it, the better it will get. We appreciate all of the customer feedback and are working hard to make the customer experience even better." Some tech bloggers on Thursday were advising owners of older iPhones not to upgrade to iOS 6 because of the maps. Meanwhile, Dutch satellite navigation company TomTom, which provided the data for the new map system, said it is not responsible for the way the maps work. |