english tutor,中學補習,補習社-蘋果新產品提振富士康業績

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蘋果新產品提振富士康業績《金融時報》 Foxconn fortunes boosted by iPhone 5 and iPad mini 《金融時報》 Operating margins at Foxconnrose this year in a sign that the primary assembler of Apple’s iPhones and iPads has been able to offset some of the impact of rising wages in its major factories in China. 富士康(Foxconn)今年的運營利潤率有所上升,這表明,這傢為蘋果(Apple)公司制造iPhone和iPad的主要代工商能夠抵消它在中國大陸主要工廠薪資成本不斷上升的一些影響。 Net profits at Foxconn rose 24 per cent to T$57bn ($1.9bn) for the first nine months of the year and revenue rose 20 per cent to T$2.23tn as sales of the iPhone 5 began to take off, beating analysts’ expectations. 富士康今年前9個月的凈利潤增長24%,至570億臺幣(合19億美元),收入增長20%,至2.23萬億臺幣,原因是iPhone 5的銷量開始飆升,超出瞭分析師的預期。 Its gross margins improved to 4.6 per cent from 3.7 per cent last year. Margin growth is key for assembly companies like Foxconn, which typically accept low margins that they then make up by producing a high volume of goods. 該公司毛利率從去年的3.7%增長至4.6%。毛利率增長對富士康之類的代工商非常關鍵。代工商通常接受低利潤率的業務,隨後它們通過大批量生產進行彌補。 The past three months saw Foxconn grappling with worker unrest at one of its factories, where 40 people were hospitalised and several arrested after a riot involving more than 2,000. The Taiwanese company also admitted to employing 14-year-olds at its factories as part of an internship programme. 過去三個月期間,富士康曾面對旗下一傢工廠發生的工人騷亂。這場逾2000人參與的騷亂,造成40人入院治療和多人被捕。這傢臺資企業還承認,旗下一些工廠在一個實習項目中雇傭瞭14歲的少年。 Besides the increasingly difficult task of managing its 1m-strong workforce across numerous factories, Investors and analysts had been worried that the Taipei-based company would struggle to overcome the rising cost of labour in China. Costs across the country have risen as labour has become more difficult to find. 除瞭越來越難以管理中國多傢工廠的100多萬員工以外,投資者和分析師還擔心,這傢總部位於臺北的企業將很難克服中國大陸勞工成本日益上升的問題。由於越來越難以找到勞動力,中國大陸各地的用工成本上升。 Analysts, however, are generally optimistic about Foxconn’s fortunes through the rest of the year, in large part because of its commanding position atop Apple’s supply chain. 然而,分析師普遍對富士康在今年剩餘時間的業績感到樂觀,很大程度上是因為它在蘋果供應鏈上占據主導地位。 The launch of the iPhone 5 and the introduction of the iPad mini are expected to continue to boost Foxconn through the rest of the year, analysts say, particularly as supply constraints and production problems ease and Foxconn is able to ramp up production more quickly. 分析師們稱,預計iPhone 5和iPad mini的推出將在今年剩餘時間裡繼續為富士康提供支撐,尤其是隨著供應限制和生產問題得到緩解,該公司能夠更快提高產量。
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