english tutor,中學補習,補習社-蘋果拓展中國市場 iPhone打前陣

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Apple Inc. is getting closer to offering the iPhone through China's largest mobile carrier, state-owned China Mobile Ltd., further opening a vast market that could be the next growth catalyst for the technology giant. 蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)正接近於達成通過中國最大移動運營商、國有企業中國移動銷售iPhone手機的協議,從而進一步打開一個有望成為這傢科技業巨頭下一個增長催化劑的巨大市場。 Apple's acting day-to-day head and chief operating officer, Tim Cook, last month visited China Mobile's offices in Beijing. Both companies declined to comment on Mr. Cook's rare visit, but the carrier confirmed the two companies are in talks about the iPhone. 蘋果代管日常事務的首席運營長庫克(Tim Cook)上個月參觀瞭中國移動位於北京的辦公室。兩傢公司都拒絕評論庫克那次少見的訪問,但中國移動證實,兩傢公司正在討論有關iPhone的事情。 An Apple spokeswoman said the Cupertino, Calif., company's strategy is to offer the phone to as many carriers as possible. Getty Images5月6日,在北京一傢蘋果店外排隊的人群。蘋果公司一位發言人說,公司的策略是向盡可能多的運營商提供iPhone。蘋果公司總部位於美國加州Cupertino。 The iPhone has been available in China through the country's second largest carrier, China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd., since 2009, and Apple has created a Chinese version of its App Store. But China Mobile, also the world's largest carrier, has 600 million subscriber accounts, compared with less than 200 million at China Unicom. 從2009年以來,iPhone已經通過中國第二大運營商中國聯通在中國銷售,蘋果也已推出其應用軟件商店App Store的中文版。但是,同時身為世界最大運營商的中國移動有6億手機用戶,中國聯通用戶不到2億。 The iPhone is likely to be offered through China Mobile in the next 12 months, analysts said. The timing partly depends on whether Apple decides to offer the device for the carrier's homegrown technology standard, TD-SCDMA, or wait until the carrier rolls out a fourth-generation network called TD-LTE, which China Mobile has been testing in select cities. 分析人士說,iPhone有可能在未來12個月內通過中國移動銷售。具體時間部分取決於蘋果是決定推出TD-SCDMA制式(中國移動所采用本土標準)的iPhone,還是決定等到中國移動推出名為TD-LTE的第四代移動網絡(中國移動已經在數座城市展開測試)。 Overall, China represents a big─and relatively untapped─opportunity for Apple. 'China has the potential to become the second largest and perhaps even the largest market [for the company] over time,' said Shaw Wu, an analyst with Sterne Agee in San Francisco. 從整體上來講,中國是擺在蘋果面前一個巨大的、且相對尚未開發的機會。投行Sterne Agee公司駐舊金山分析師Shaw Wu說,一段時間過後,中國有望成為蘋果公司第二大、甚至第一大市場。 Apple has historically focused on its home U.S. market, with the Americas region generating 38% of the company's $24.7 billion of revenue in the March quarter. But Apple is again expected to post strong China sales Tuesday when it reports earnings for its June quarter. Indeed, China is already Apple's fastest-growing region in terms of sales, despite the fact that only four Apple stores are located in the region. 蘋果過去一直側重於美國本土市場,今年一季度247億美元的收入當中有38%來自美洲地區。但在周二發佈第二季度業績時,預計它將再度報告強勁的中國銷售數據。事實上,中國已經是蘋果銷售收入增長最快的地區,盡管蘋果在這個地區的零售店才四傢。 Apple's revenue from Greater China, including Hong Kong and Taiwan, nearly quadrupled to just under $5 billion for the six months ended March 26 from a year earlier, though the region still comprises less than 10% of overall revenue. 截至3月26日的六個月內,蘋果從包括香港、臺灣在內的大中華區取得的收入逼近50億美元,較上年同期幾乎翻瞭兩番。但這個地區在蘋果總收入當中仍然隻占不到10%的比例。 Over the past decade, China has become one of the world's most important consumer markets because of its sheer size and fast-growing economy. China has the most Internet users, at more than 450 million, and most mobile subscribers, at more than 900 million, according to Chinese government research. In contrast, the U.S. has about 303 million mobile subscribers. 僅憑龐大的經濟規模和快速增長的經濟,中國已經在過去10年成為世界最重要的消費市場之一。中國政府研究結果顯示,中國網民數量超過4.5億,為世界之最,手機用戶超過9億,也是世界之最。相比之下,美國大約隻有3.03億手機用戶。 The Chinese market remains rife with complications, such as government requirements around the handling of Wi-Fi technology and censorship of some overseas websites like Twitter and Facebook that make it difficult or impossible to use certain applications in Apple's App Store. 中國市場仍然充斥各種復雜因素,比如政府對Wi-Fi技術的處理有特定要求,也會審查Twitter和Facebook等海外網站,這使得蘋果公司App Store上的某些應用程序難以使用或根本無法使用。 What's more, the nation had only 73.8 million users of high-speed 3G data services as of May, and the vast majority of subscribers are on pre-paid plans and spend very little per month on mobile services. China Mobile's average monthly revenue per user was 67 yuan, or about $10, as of March. 更重要的是,截至今年5月中國隻有7,380萬用戶使用高速3G數據服務,絕大多數用戶選擇的是預付費套餐,每個月的通信費用非常少。截至今年3月,中國移動的每用戶月均收入為人民幣67元(約合10美元)。 The country also has a thriving market of gray- and black-market electronics, where users can easily buy modified iPhones from overseas as well as fake iPads. 中國電子產品的灰色市場和黑市也很繁榮,用戶在這些市場可以輕松買到經過改裝的水貨iPhone以及山寨iPad。 The iPhone, which currently sells for between 3,999 and 5,999 yuan without contract, would be a luxury for many Chinese consumers. The average household income in the first half of 2011 was 12,076 yuan, according to China's national statistics bureau. 蘋果公司正接近與中國最大的移動運營商、國有企業中國移動達成iPhone手機銷售協議,從而進一步打開一個有望成為這傢科技業巨頭下一個增長催化劑的巨大市場。《華爾街日報》的Yukari Kane對該消息進行瞭詳細報道。目前,不帶合約的iPhone售價在人民幣3,999元至5,999元之間,對許多中國消費者而言還是一種奢侈品。中國國傢統計局數據顯示,今年上半年傢庭平均收入為12,076元。 Apple, which had about 8.4% of the Chinese smartphone market in the first quarter, according to research firm Analysys International, also faces growing competition from smartphones running on Google Inc.'s Android software. 據研究機構易觀國際(Analysys International)數據,今年一季度蘋果公司在中國智能手機市場的份額約為8.4%,也面臨著安裝谷歌公司(Google Inc.)Android操作系統的智能手機日益激烈的競爭。 HTC Corp. is expanding its offerings in China, while Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. has introduced smartphones with special features tailored to Chinese users, and Nokia Corp. continues to enjoy strong brand recognition. Chinese companies Huawei Technologies Ltd., ZTE Corp. and others are selling smartphones for $150 or less. 宏達國際電子股份有限公司(HTC Corp.,簡稱:宏達國際)正在擴大其在中國的產品線,而摩托羅拉移動公司(Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc.)已經推出瞭帶有為中國用戶量身定做的特殊功能的智能手機。諾基亞公司(Nokia Corp.)繼續享有強大的品牌知名度。中國企業華為技術有限公司(Huawei Technologies Ltd.)、中興通訊股份有限公司(ZTE Corp.,簡稱:中興通訊)以及其它國內廠商正在銷售價格不高於150美元的智能手機。 Still, Apple Stores in China are visited by more than 40,000 people per day─four times the average traffic in their American stores. Apple Chief Financial Officer Peter Oppenheimer has said the company's existing China stores had the highest traffic and the highest revenue on average of any Apple store in the world. 不過,蘋果中國門店每天的訪問人數超過4萬人,這一數字是其美國門店平均訪問量的4倍。蘋果公司首席財務長奧本海默(Peter Oppenheimer)說,蘋果中國現有門店的平均訪問量和平均收入在全球所有門店中是最高的。 The company's fifth and sixth stores are expected to open in Shanghai and Hong Kong in coming months. Apple had originally planned to open 25 stores in greater China by the end of the year, but the company said it pushed its schedule back as it decided to build bigger stores that can accommodate larger crowds. 未來幾個月該公司的第五和第六傢門店預計將落戶上海和香港。蘋果公司原本計劃到年底在大中華地區新開25傢門店,但該公司表示其推遲瞭原定計劃,因為公司打算開設規模更大、可以容納更多人群的門店。 One typical Apple user in China is Jessie Cui, a 30-year-old in Shanghai who bought her first Apple desktop computer in 2003. She was so impressed by its design that she subsequently bought a Macbook, an iPod, an iPod Shuffle, an iPod Touch and an iPhone. 'I want something different from what most people are using,' said Ms. Cui, adding that she is eyeing an iPad next. Jessie Cui是中國內地一名典型的蘋果用戶。30歲的Cui在2003年買瞭第一臺蘋果臺式電腦。蘋果電腦的設計給她留下瞭深刻的印象,隨後她又入手瞭一臺蘋果筆記本電腦MacBook,一個iPod,一個iPod Shuffle,一個iPod Touch以及一臺iPhone。Cui說,我希望自己用的電子產品與眾不同。她還說自己下一步已經盯上瞭iPad。
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