english tutor,中學補習,補習社-美雜志揭阿湯哥選妻內幕 |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 美國《名利場》雜志最新一期封面故事曝光瞭湯姆•克魯斯與剛剛離婚的妻子凱蒂認識之前,科學教高層為其選妻的內幕。據稱,女星索菲婭•維加拉及斯嘉麗•約翰遜曾在考察名單之列。雜志文章指出,選妻行動由由科學教教主大衛•密斯凱維吉的老婆雪莉主持。在2004年11月到2005年1月期間,曾有一名生於伊朗、長在倫敦的女演員被選中與阿湯哥約會。這名女演員本身為科學教徒,在與阿湯哥開始約會前一個月,她每天都要被審核,被迫向科學教高層匯報其個人隱私以及性生活細節。同時,科學教派要求她簽署一個保密協議,不允許她泄露整個過程,否則將會被視為科學教中的“賤民”甚至敵人。相處一個月後,因阿湯哥認為此女子對教主有所不敬,兩人關系告終。之後,該女演員被送往佛羅裡達的科學教中心。在那裡,她情緒失控,將之前與阿湯哥交往細節透露給另一教徒,結果被對方告發,被罰洗廁所、刷浴室瓷磚。 A new Vanity Fair cover story reveals that in 2004, Shelly Miscavige, the wife of Scientology chief David Miscavige, oversaw a top-secret effort to find the next Mrs. Cruise. In the weeks following the news of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' split this summer, came various reports of the actor's search for a Scientology-friendly wife before he met Holmes. Rumor has it that Sofia Vergara and Scarlett Johansson were also among those approached as marital prospects for Cruise. And now, a new Vanity Fair cover story reveals that in 2004, Shelly Miscavige, the wife of Scientology chief David Miscavige, oversaw a top-secret effort to find the next Mrs. Cruise. The search yielded Nazanin Boniadi, an Iranian-born, London-raised actress and Scientologist, who went on to date Cruise from November 2004 until January 2005. According to VF, Boniadi spent the month prior to the courtship being audited every day, and was forced to share personal secrets and details of her sex life with a high-ranking Scientology official. The story reports, "Boniadi allegedly was told to lose her braces, her red highlights, and her boyfriend. According to a knowledgeable source, she was shown confidential auditing files of her boyfriend to expedite a breakup. (Scientology denies any misuse of confidential material.) The source says Boniadi signed a confidentiality agreement and was told that if she “messed up” in any way she would be declared a Suppressive Person (a pariah and enemy of Scientology)." After a blissful first month, the relationship turned sour when Boniadi's behavior toward David Miscavige was interpreted by Cruise as disrespectful. Boniadi was later sent to a Scientology Center in Florida, where she made the mistake of confiding in a friend when she was unable to hide her emotional distress --despite having been strictly forbidden to reveal the details of her courtship with Cruise. According to Vanity Fair's source, the friend reported her to Scientology officials. "Boniadi’s punishment was to scrub toilets with a toothbrush, clean bathroom tiles with acid, and dig ditches in the middle of the night. After that she was sent out to sell Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics on street corners," reports the magazine. It looks as if the Church of Scientology's damage control efforts won't be put to rest anytime soon. |