english tutor,中學補習,補習社-蘋果香港出新招 買iPhone需“搖號” |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 需先在其官網上填寫註冊信息,被蘋果“選中”後方可購買。消費者每天上午9點到中午12點可提交申請,選擇自己欲購買的iPhone機型。如果被蘋果“抽中”,客戶將會在晚上9點前收到電子郵件,郵件中將附帶第二天可以進店購買的時間。在購買iPhone時,消費者必須出示與預訂信息相符的個人身份證明、地址證明等文件。“搖號”舉措是為瞭打擊黃牛的倒賣行為,但由於需求旺盛,預計被“抽中”可能比中六合彩更難。 In an effort to combat scalping, Apple will only sell the iPhone 4S to lottery winners in the Chinese territor... Think lining up overnight for an iPhone launch is bad? Try snagging a new iPhone 4S in Hong Kong, where Apple recently implemented a lottery system in an effort to combat scalping. If you're in Hong Kong and want the newest iPhone iteration, forget waking up early to be the first person outside an Apple Store — the company doesn't sell any to walk-in customers. You have to first join a lottery on the company's website and then win before you can even be eligible to buy a unit. The recent iPhone 4S launch in mainland China was riddled with scalpers, and one particular incident in Beijing even turned into a brawl fest. This new system is super strict, with the lottery remaining open to entries for only three hours each day. Winners get an email before 9 PM, and they can claim their iPhone 4S units the next day provided they have a government-issued photo ID with the same name and serial number they submitted to the lottery. No word yet on whether Apple will implement this lottery system elsewhere, though it may subsequently be used in places where scalping is rampant. |