english tutor,中學補習,補習社-美國“廣告牌傢庭”一天兩美元出售全傢

【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】

'Billboard Family' to advertise for companies

A family of four in the US have put themselves up for sale offering to advertise companies for $2 a day. In a unique marketing pitch they have offered to wear company sponsored clothing all day and will use social media such as Twitter to promote sponsors. Calling themselves "The Billboard Family" they promise to travel around the US and spread the word about any company that wants to sponsor them. In a video posted on YouTube, the family introduce themselves as father Carl, mother Amy, son Layne and daughter Kaitlyn. There is also a hospital scan photo of their child that is due on December 31st. Explaining the idea to sell themselves father Carl said: "We are a real family of 4 (with one on the way) who wears your company shirts all day long, taking loads of photos and videos. "We then promote your company online on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, and our website, as well as to all of the many people who ask us why we are all wearing the same shirts." The family charge companies $2 (£1.26) a day to wear their logo, but special days such as New Year's Eve carry a $730 (£460) price tag. Carl, who has a computer sciences degree, was "inspired" to advertise his family "by his desire to make a respectable living." He also said to me he "wanted to teach our kids about self-reliance and business". "They're very young but they have been very involved. They also love the attention," he said. The family come from St Louis, Missouri, but on their webpage say they plan to travel around the US. 美國有一傢四口近日集體上陣,以一天兩美元的價格出售自己,為公司做廣告。 這種營銷方法可謂獨一無二,他們提出會一整天都身著合作公司贊助的服裝,並使用Twitter等社交媒體為商傢做推廣。 他們自稱“廣告牌傢庭”,承諾要走遍美國,為願意贊助他們的公司做宣傳。 在上傳至YouTube視頻分享網站的一段視頻中,這一傢四口自我介紹稱他們是父親卡爾、媽媽艾米、兒子萊恩和女兒凱特林。 此外,視頻上還有一張他們將於12月31號出世的孩子的醫院掃描照。 父親卡爾解釋“自我出售”時說:“我們現在是四口之傢(第五口就要出世瞭),我們會整天穿著貴公司的衣服,還會拍攝大量的照片和視頻。” “我們還會在Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube以及我們自己的網站上為貴公司推銷,那些問我們為什麼穿同樣衣服的人,我們也不會放過。” “廣告牌傢庭”配戴公司商標的要價為每天2美元(1.26英鎊)。但在除夕夜等特殊日子要價為每天730美元(460英鎊)。 擁有計算機科學學位的卡爾“希望能過上體面的生活”,在這個念頭的啟發下,他想到瞭這個讓全傢做廣告的主意。 他還透露“想教育孩子要自力更生,要學會做生意。” 他說:“孩子們很小,但是他們一直都在參與。他們也很喜歡受人關註。” 這一傢人來自密蘇裡州聖路易斯市,但是他們在自己的網頁上言明打算遊遍全美國。

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