english tutor,中學補習,補習社-蘋果公司在華商標問題愈演愈烈 |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 A potentially costly dispute over the name of the iPad computer tablet may not be the only trademark problem facing Apple Incorporated in China 由平板電腦iPad名稱引發的爭端可能給在中國的蘋果公司帶來潛在的巨大損失,但這可能不是蘋果公司唯一的在華商標問題。 The China Daily newspaper reports Monday that at least 39 Chinese companies and individuals have attempted to register the names iPhone or iPad as trademarks for products as varied as hiking shoes, veterinary drugs and diapers 據《中國日報》星期一報道,至少有39傢中國公司和個人已經試圖給“iPhone”和“ iPad”這些名稱註冊商標,產品涉及登山鞋、獸醫藥品和尿佈等 The newspaper says six manufacturers, including a flashlight manufacturer, got as far as preliminary approval before their applications were challenged 《中國日報》說,包括一傢手電筒生產商在內的六傢制造業者已經得到初步批準,但它們的申請後來受到質疑。 The disclosure comes as a dispute over the iPad name has led authorities in several cities to seize the hand-held computers from Chinese retailers, threatening iPad sales in the world's largest computer market and, potentially, Apple's ability to export the tablets from the country where they are made. 這一消息被披露時, 有關iPad名稱的爭端讓數個中國城市當局從零售商那裡沒收這種手持電腦。這給 iPad在世界最大的電腦市場的銷售帶來威脅,並有可能威脅蘋果公司從這種平板電腦的生產國對外出口iPad的能力。 The disclosure comes as a dispute over the iPad name has led authorities in several cities to seize the hand-held computers from Chinese retailers, threatening iPad sales in the world's largest computer market and, potentially, Apple's ability to export the tablets from the country where they are made. |
- Dec 05 Wed 2012 20:02