english tutor,中學補習,補習社-你們公司有“首席隱私官”嗎? |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 今年的315晚會爆出某商業銀行員工出售儲戶資料謀利的行為,這兩天又聽說某購物網站大量用戶帳戶被盜的新聞。在互聯網無處不在、無所不能的今天,我們要怎樣保護我們的隱私信息呢?各公司設立“首席隱私官”真的能管用嗎? The Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) is a senior level executive within a business or organization who is responsible for managing the risks and business impacts of privacy laws and policies. The position is to ensure that personal data – whether of employees, customers or its clients’ customers – is handled appropriately. 首席隱私官(Chief Privacy Officer,CPO)指一傢公司或機構中負責保密政策及規定相關的風險和商業管理高級執行官。該職位的主要責任是確保個人信息得到妥善處理,這裡的個人包括公司員工、顧客或者公司客戶的顧客等。 The CPO position is relatively new and was created to respond to both consumer concern over the use of personal information, including medical data and financial information, and laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, legislation concerning data protection. 首席隱私官是一個新興的職位。創立這樣一個職位是為瞭應對客戶對醫療及金融等個人信息使用的關註,同時也是對數據保護立法的回應。 Data is the raw material for many companies, like steel used to be in the old days. You have to have procedures when handling private information, like you need to have procedures when handling chemicals. 對很多公司來說,數據就是他們的原材料;就像過去鋼材是很多地方的原材料一樣。所以,處理個人信息的時候我們必須遵照一定的程序,這跟我們在處理化學藥品時也要遵照程序是一個道理。 |