english tutor,中學補習,補習社-聯合國文件用語揭秘:措辭講究,華麗繁復 |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 聯合國雖然強調六種正式語文地位同等,但大多數文件起草還是使用英文。有些聯合國文件是長期艱苦談判的產物,措辭講究,並且傾向使用“華麗”辭藻。比如“naughty boys”在文件中應該是“juvenile pre-delinquents which has an exceptionally greasy flavour”。常用詞匯見下圖簡表:
原來聯合國也喜歡用這種華麗又復雜的詞匯來唬人啊……其實大傢平時說話用簡單英語就好瞭,不過考試的時候若是能飚出一兩個“聯合國官方文件用語”,那作文的檔次可就“噌噌”地上去瞭啊~~下面小編就來示范一下這些“高端”“華麗”的詞匯要怎麼用~ 1、I requested help from the librarian to locate a book I wanted. 我請圖書管理員幫我找一本我要的書。 2、In view of the fact that he's over sixty, he may retire. 他已經年過六十,可以退休瞭。 3、The leaders of the two countries met two days prior to the summit. 峰會開始前兩天,兩國的領導人會面瞭。 4、The government implemented a ban against foreign publications. 政府采取瞭一項針對外國出版物的禁令。 5、Much of the criticism against him emanated from his political opponents. 對他的抨擊大都來自他的政敵。 6、I came to clarify the situation to you. 我來是為瞭向你闡明形勢。 7、In the event of rain, the ceremony will be cancelled. 如果下雨,就取消慶典。 8、His position as regards the report has been misunderstood. 他在這份報告中所持的立場被誤解瞭。 9、At the present time we are in a very disagreeable situation. 如今我們正面臨著十分棘手的境況。 10、He has put forward a proposal concerning child health. 他就兒童健康問題提出瞭一項建議。 11、What was the critic's reaction to the book? 那位評論傢對那本書的意見怎樣? 12、Applicants should peruse the instructions carefully. 申請人須詳細閱讀本說明。 13、As I have already indicated, there is now more competition than there used to be. 正如我已經說過的,現在的競爭比過去更為激烈瞭。
- Dec 05 Wed 2012 02:36