english tutor,中學補習,補習社-實用英語:美國跨種族婚姻數量達歷史高峰

【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】
Marriage between races and ethnic groups has reached an all-time high in the United States as public acceptance has grown, according to a Pew Research Center study on Thursday. Couples of different race or ethnicity made up a record 8.4 percent of all married couples in 2010, up from 3.2 percent in 1980, the study showed. About 15 percent of all new US marriages in 2010 were between spouses of a different race or ethnicity, more than twice the share in 1980, the report said. Intermarriage is more common in Western states. About 20 percent of newlyweds there married someone of a different race or ethnicity between 2008 and 2010, compared with 14 percent in the South and 13 percent in the Northeast. Forty-three percent of Americans say more people of different races marrying each other benefits society. Just more than a third say a member of their immediate family or a close relative is married to someone of a different race. Asian Americans are the most likely to enter mixed-race marriages, at 27.7 percent of newlyweds in 2010. They were trailed by Hispanics at 25.7 percent, blacks at 17.1 percent and whites at 9.4 percent. Pew based its report on data from the US Census Bureau's American Community Survey for 2008 to 2010 and on telephone polling. 據周四皮尤調查中心發佈的研究結果,隨著跨種族和跨民族婚姻逐漸被公眾所接受,跨種族及跨民族婚姻數量在美國達到瞭歷史最高峰。 研究顯示,2010年不同種族或民族結合的夫婦在所有新人中占瞭8.4%,打破瞭歷史記錄,而在1980年這一比例為3.2%。 研究報告指出,2010年在美國結婚的所有新人中,約有15%的新人是來自不同的種族或民族,這一比例是1980年的兩倍多。 異族婚姻在美國西部各州更為普遍。2008年至2010年間在美國西部結婚的新人約有20%是與不同種族或民族的人結合的,而在美國南部這一比例為14%,美國東北部為13%。 43%的美國人認為,更多不同種族的人結合對社會有益。稍過三分之一的人稱,自己的直系親屬或近親中有人和不同種族的人結婚。 亞裔美國人最有可能跨種族結合,2010年結婚的亞裔美國人中有27.7%是跨種族結合。緊隨其後的是西班牙裔,占瞭25.7%,黑人這一比例為17.1%,白人為9.4%。 皮尤調查中心的這一報告基於美國人口普查局的2008-2010美國社區調查數據,以及電話調查。
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