english tutor,中學補習,補習社-雙語:蘋果名氣超谷歌 登頂最具價值品牌榜 |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 Apple has overtaken Google as the world's most valuable brand, ending a four-year reign by the Internet search leader, according to a new study by global brands agency Millward Brown. 國際品牌調研機構明略行(Millward Brown)最新發佈全球品牌排行榜,蘋果成為全球最具價值品牌,結束瞭互聯網搜索巨頭谷歌連續四年雄踞榜首的歷史。 The iPhone and iPad maker's brand is now worth $153 billion, almost half Apple's market capitalization, says the annual BrandZ study of the world's top 100 brands. 根據年度BrandZ全球最具價值品牌百強榜,蘋果品牌價值高達1530億美元,接近蘋果公司市值的一半。iPhone 和iPad都是蘋果公司旗下產品。 Apple's portfolioof coveted consumer goods propelled it past Microsoft to become the world's most valuable technology company last year. 去年,蘋果憑借一系列受消費者喜愛的產品超過微軟,成為全球市值最高的科技公司。 Peter Walshe, global brands director of Millward Brown, says Apple's meticulousattention to detail, along with an increasing presence of its gadgets in corporate environments, have allowed it to behave differently from other consumer-electronics makers. 明略行公司全球品牌總監彼得—沃爾什稱,蘋果對細節精益求精、推出的辦公適用產品越來越多樣,使其不同於其他電子產品制造商。 "Apple is breaking the rules in terms of its pricing model," he told the reporters by telephone. "It's doing what luxury brands do, where the higher price the brand is, the more it seems to underpin and reinforce the desire." 他在電話采訪中說:“蘋果正打破定價機制。它的做法類似於奢侈品牌。品牌越值錢,人們購買的欲望就越強烈。” "Obviously, it has to be allied to great products and a great experience, and Apple has nurtured that." “很明顯,這有賴於優質的產品和豐富的經驗,而蘋果已經具備瞭這些。” By contrast, one of the brands most threatened by Apple's rising popularity in offices took a big hit in the survey. 相比之下,受到蘋果辦公用品受好評沖擊最大的黑莓品牌卻在調查中表現不佳。 Research In Motion's BlackBerry brand lost a fifth of its brand value. Among technology companies, only Nokia's 28 percent decline was steeper. 動態研究公司(RIM)的黑莓品牌價值下跌瞭20%。在科技公司中,僅有諾基亞比它表現更糟,下跌瞭28%。 Of the top 10 brands in Monday's report, six were technology and telecoms companies: Google at number two, IBM at number three, Microsoft at number five, AT&T at number seven and China Mobile at number nine. 在排名前十的品牌中,六個來自科技和電信公司:谷歌第二、IBM第三、微軟第五、美國電信第七、中國移動第九。該榜單於本周一公佈。 McDonald's rose two places to number four, as fast food became the fastest-growing category, Coca-Cola slipped one place to number six, Marlboro was also down one to number eight, and General Electric was number 10. 麥當勞排名第四,比去年上升兩位,快餐業成為增長最快的品牌種類。可口可樂排名第六,比去年下滑一位。萬寶路排名第八,也下滑一位。通用電氣排名第十。 Facebook entered the top 100 at number 35 with a brand valued at $19.1 billion, while Chinese search engine Baidu rose to number 29 from 46. Facebook也躋身該榜,排名第35,品牌價值為191億美元。中國網絡搜索引擎百度從第46位上升至第29位。 The total value of the top 100 brands rose by 17 percent to $2.4 trillion, as the global economy shifted to growth. 隨著全球經濟回暖,百強榜中的品牌總價值為2.4萬億美元,比去年上升瞭17%。 |