english tutor,中學補習,補習社-投資者期待蘋果推出低價iPhone

【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】
Apple didn't unveil a new iPhone last month -- but investors will hear the ring of healthy quarterly profits anyway. 蘋果公司(Apple)上月沒有推出新款iPhone手機,但投資者仍將看到該公司良好的季度收益報告。 In failing to unveil a new version, the tech behemoth broke with its usual release pattern of the past few years. Bloomberg NewsiPhone為蘋果創造瞭近一半的收入,也決定著公司的整體發展軌道。由於未能在6月份推出新款iPhone,這傢科技業巨頭過去幾年一以貫之的新產品發佈模式被打破。 Yet Apple is still forecast to show earnings surging 66% to $5.85 a share when it reports results Tuesday for its fiscal third quarter ending June 26. Revenue is expected to climb 59% to $24.99 billion. 但外界仍預計蘋果公司本周二發佈的收益報告將顯示,在截至6月26日的第三財政季度,公司每股收益飆升瞭66%,達到5.85美元;同期收入攀升59%,達到249.9億美元。 The quarter did include the second iteration of the iPad, whose sales are expected to soar compared with last year, when the tablet was launched. Meanwhile, sales of Macs are likely to continue outpacing the broader PC market. 蘋果在這一季度推出瞭平板電腦iPad的新版,其銷量預計將較去年大幅飆升,這款產品是蘋果去年推出的。與此同時,蘋果Mac電腦的銷售情況預計也會繼續強於個人電腦整體市場。 But it is the iPhone, which generates about half of Apple's revenue, that determines the company's overall trajectory. Given the absence of a new version -- now expected in the fall -- iPhone sales are likely to be a little weaker than might have been expected. 但將決定蘋果公司整體業績走勢的卻是iPhone,它創造瞭該公司約一半的收入。鑒於迄今尚無新版推出(市場目前預計新款iPhone將於今年秋季面市),因此iPhone的銷售情況可能會比人們原來預計的差一些。 While a new device historically may have counted for only a few weeks of sales in the June quarter, it has had an outsize impact. Last year, Apple sold 1.7 million iPhone 4s in just three days -- 20% of the quarter's iPhones. 雖然蘋果以往在6月份推出新手機時距第三財政季度結束可能隻有幾周時間瞭,但新手機在這短短幾周的銷售量卻會對公司當季業績產生巨大影響。蘋果去年推出的iPhone 4僅在三天之內就賣出瞭170萬部,相當於iPhone手機第三財政季度總銷量的20%。 Even without such a boost, the momentum of the smartphone market can carry Apple a long way. Strategy Analytics estimates global smartphone shipments increased 71% in the June quarter. No surprise, then, that iPhone sales are expected to be about double the 8.4 million reported for the year-earlier period. 即使沒有新款iPhone的提振,智能手機市場的火爆也能對蘋果公司業績產生很大推動作用。據研究機購Strategy Analytics估計,6月份當季全世界的智能手機發貨量增長瞭71%。在這種情況下,市場預計iPhone手機這一季度的銷量將比去年同期的840萬部增長一倍,也就沒有什麼可奇怪的瞭。 And while sales will be down a little from the March quarter, the drop may not be much more than last year's 4% sequential decline. 雖然iPhone在這一季度的銷量將比前一季度稍有下降,但降幅預計不會明顯高於去年同期4%的下降幅度。 This is due in part to surging iPhone sales in China, according to Tony Berkman, an analyst with ITG Investment Research. China also offset recent softness in Europe. 在研究機構ITG Investment Research的分析師博克曼(Tony Berkman)看來,這一定程度上應歸功於iPhone在中國銷量的大幅增長。中國市場的火爆還抵消瞭歐洲市場最近出現的銷售疲軟。 Weakness there is understandable given economic upheaval. But it likely also reflects the more troublesome issue of gains being made by Apple's big rival: Google-backed Android software that powers numerous smartphones. Cheaper, low-end Android devices now are appearing in some markets. 鑒於歐洲的經濟動蕩局面,iPhone在那裡遭遇銷售疲軟也就不難理解瞭。但iPhone在歐洲銷售遇冷也有可能緣於一個更為棘手的問題:使用Android操作系統的手機正在贏得市場,這一軟件系統是由蘋果的競爭對手谷歌(Google)開發的,目前已為大量智能手機所選用。目前,價格較為便宜的低端Android手機已出現在一些市場上。 To protect its flank, Apple needs a cheaper version of its own device. Markets will be looking for some guidance on that front Tuesday. 為守住陣地,蘋果需要推出售價較低的iPhone手機。市場周二將從該公司發佈季度報告時的聲明中尋找這方面的線索。 Any news could entice investors who have recently kept an Apple out of their diet. 任何相關消息都有可能誘使最近已不再青睞蘋果股票的投資者重拾對這傢公司的興趣。
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