english tutor,中學補習,補習社-雙語:《變形金剛3》觀影必看如廁寶典 |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 It was really hard getting peetimes for this movie but if I had to recommend one I'd say the the fallowing moments。 要在這部電影裡面找出如廁時間真的是一件困難的事情。如果非要給出的話我建議是這樣子的。 PeeTime starts 1 minutes into movie.PeeTime lasts about 2 minutes。 第一段最佳如廁時間:影片開始1分鐘,可跑開如廁2分鐘。 PeeTime starts 51 minutes into movie. PeeTime lasts about 4 minutes cue to RunPee: Sentinel Prime says to Agent Mearing - the lady in charge - "It would mean the end of your world." 第二段最佳如廁時間:影片開始51分鐘,可跑開如廁4分鐘。 劇情:Prime對Mearing(女頭頭)說,“那就意味著世界末日。” PeeTime starts 72 minutes into movie. PeeTime lasts about 4 minutes cue to RunPee: Captain Lennox says, "Notify the 101st Airborn. We have to hunt this thing down." 第三段最佳如廁時間:影片開始72分鐘,可跑開如廁4分鐘。 劇情:Lennox隊長說;“通知101號機,我們要追蹤這東西。” PeeTime starts 87 minutes into movie.PeeTime lasts about 4 minutes cue to RunPee: At the launch pad when Optimus says to Sam, "From here the fight is your own." 第四段最佳如廁時間:影片開始87分鐘,可跑開如廁4分鐘。 劇情:在起飛平臺上擎天柱對sam說:“現在開始你們要獨自戰鬥瞭。” PeeTime starts 154 minutes into movie.PeeTime lasts about 2 minutes cue to RunPee: As the credits begin there is a short scene with Agent Simons. There is nothing extra after the end credits which run for about 8 minutes。 第五段最佳如廁時間:影片開始154分鐘,可跑開如廁2分鐘。 劇情:後面基本上沒啥內容瞭,很隨意。 |