english tutor,中學補習,補習社-雙語:雷鋒在我心中 學習雷鋒好榜樣(圖) |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】
Lei Feng (December 18, 1940 – August 15, 1962) was a soldier of the People's Liberation Army in the People's Republic of China. Lei was characterised as a selfless and modest person who was devotedto the Communist Party and the people of China. In the campaign of "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng", initiated by Mao in 1963, Lei became a cultural icon symbolizing selflessness, modesty, and dedication; the youth of the country were encouraged to follow his example. 雷鋒(原名雷正興,1940年12月18日-1962年8月15日),中華人民共和國中國人民解放軍戰士。雷鋒的形象一直和“無私奉獻、謙虛待人、忠於黨、忠於人民”聯系在一起。1963年的3月,毛澤東主席題詞“向雷鋒同志學習”,自此雷鋒就成為一代代青少年學習的榜樣,成為“樂於助人、勤儉節約”的文化楷模。 今天是3月5日“學雷鋒日”,讓我們讀著雷鋒叔叔的語錄,一起“學習雷鋒好榜樣”! 1.人的生命是有限的,可是,為人民服務是無限的,我要把有限的生命,投入到無限的“為人民服務”之中去。 There is a limit to one's life, but no limit to serving the people. I would devote my limited life to limitlessly serving the people. 2.要學習的時間是有的,問題是我們善不善於擠,願不願意鉆。 If a person truly wants to study something, they can always find time. The key is whether they can budget their time in an efficient way. 3.我覺得人生在世,隻有勤勞,發奮圖強,用自己的雙手創造財富,為人類的解放事業——共產主義貢獻自己的一切,這才是幸福的。 For our life, we should be diligent and create wealth with our own hands, devoting ourselves to the liberation of human beings...That is the true happiness. 4.如果你是一滴水,你是否滋潤瞭一寸土地?如果你是一線陽光,你是否照亮瞭一分黑暗?如果你是一顆糧食,你是否哺育瞭有用的生命?如果你是一顆最小的螺絲釘,你是否永遠守在你生活的崗位上?如果你要告訴我們什麼思想,你是否在日夜宣揚那最美麗的理想?你既然活著,你又是否為瞭未來的人類生活付出你的勞動,使世界一天天變得更美麗?我想問你,為未來帶來瞭什麼?在生活的倉庫裡,我們不應該隻是個無窮盡的支付者。 If you are a drop of water, do you moisten an inch of the land? If you are the first sunlight, do you illuminate the dark hours? If you are food, do you foster useful life? If you are one of the smallest screws, will you always stick with the status of your life? If you want to tell us what you are thinking, do you disseminate the most beautiful ideal day and night? When you are alive do you always remember to work hard and realize your efforts will affect future lives and let the world become more beautiful day by day? I would like to ask you, what have you brought about for the future? In our life, we should not only be spenders. 5.對待同志要象春天般的溫暖,對待工作要象夏天一樣火熱,對待個人主義要象秋風掃落葉一樣,對待敵人要象嚴冬一樣殘酷無情。 We should treat comrades like the breeze in spring, work hard like summer's sunshine, conquer difficulties like the autumn's bise sweeping withered leafs, and treat the enemy as ruthless as the cold winter. 6.一個人的作用,對於革命事業來說,就如一架機器上的一顆螺絲釘。 A person for the revolutionary cause, just like a screw for a machine. |
- Dec 06 Thu 2012 08:48
雙語:雷鋒在我心中 學習雷鋒好榜樣(圖)