english tutor,中學補習,補習社-世博初體驗 |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 Practice makes perfect – at least, that’s what organizers of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo hope. Last Tuesday, the Expo Garden opened on a trial basis for six days so that operational problems could be fixed in time for its official grand opening. 熟能生巧——這至少是2010年上海世博會組織者的期望。世博園在上周二開始瞭為期6天的試運營,以便在開幕前能夠及時發現運行上的問題。 A total of 1.1 million visitors showed up during the trail run. But more than 70 million guests are expected to visit the Expo between May 1 and October 31. Shanghai is expected to set a new Expo record for most attendance. 據統計,共有110萬人次的遊客參加瞭此次試運營。但在5月1日到10月31日期間,遊客數量預計將超過7000萬人次。上海有望創下世博歷史上參觀人數之最。 However, the public’s excitement is putting pressure on organizers. Pedestrian management has become a major issue. Organizers are now scrambling to address it. 然而,公眾的熱情也使得組織方倍感壓力。其中,行人交通管理成為重中之重。目前組織者們正試圖快速解決這一問題。 It was common for visitors to line up for hours just to get inside some of the most popular pavilions. During the first days of the trial run, surging crowds even caused the temporary closure of several pavilions, according to China Daily. 為瞭參觀一些最具人氣的展館,遊客們常常要排幾個小時的隊。據《中國日報》報導,試運行的頭幾天,洶湧的人潮更致使幾個展館不得不臨時關閉。 On Tuesday, the first day of trial operations, chaos was reported when reservation machines malfunctioned and opening times for some pavilions were changed. The organizers are now trying out using volunteers to help ensure reservations are made smoothly. 上周二是世博園試運營的首日。由於預約機出現故障,幾個場館的開放時間被調整,場面一度混亂。組織方正嘗試運用志願者,以確保預約正常運行。 The reservation service will be used to save visitors time, but guests will only be allowed to schedule one visit among the China Pavilion and the five theme parks. Visitors can schedule a total of five visits to all of the other pavilions. For those pavilions at which they have not made a reservation, visitors must wait in line for entry. 預約服務旨在節省參觀者的時間,但遊客們隻能選擇中國館以及5個主題館其中之一進行預約參觀。剩下的展館中,遊客總共可以預約5個進行參觀。對於那些不提供預約服務的展館,參觀者們隻能排隊進入瞭。 Transportation to and from the Expo was also monitored during the trial run. The Shanghai Evening Post reported that over 60 percent of visitors took the subway to get to Expo Garden. Although 42 special bus routes were set, few visitors chose to use them. Organizers are now encouraging visitors to take advantage of the buses when they attend the Expo. 在試運營期間,世博交通也接受瞭檢驗。上海《新聞晚報》報道稱,超過60%的遊客乘坐地鐵前往世博園。盡管已設置瞭42條公交專線,但選擇乘公交看世博的遊客少之又少。組織方正鼓勵遊客坐公交看世博。 The Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination has also announced that only visitors with specially marked tickets may attend the Expo on May 1-3. Those with standard day tickets will be denied entry. 上海市世博局也表示,在5月1日-3日期間,參觀者隻有持“指定日”門票才能入園。那些持有平日票的遊客不能入園。 Other specially designated days include October 1-7 and the week preceding the closure of the Expo. The remainder of the Expo’s 184 days are open to anyone with a standard ticket. 指定日期還包括世博閉幕前的10月1日—7日。除特定日以外的184天裡,任何一位持有平日票的遊客都可入園參觀。 See the world in three days 3日暢遊世界 Ni Wenhao, a 23-year-old Shanghai Expo volunteer, is the author of the popular online post “Three-Day Tour Tips for Expo Visitors”. Here’s his advice on making the most of a three-day trip to the Expo. 23歲的上海世博會志願者倪文灝寫下頗具網絡人氣的《世博三日遊全攻略》。如何能在三天時間內充分領略世博風光,下面是他的一些建議。 Day One 第一天 Morning: Celebration Square – Expo Center – Theme Pavilions 上午:慶典廣場—世博中心—主題館 Afternoon: China Pavilion – China’s Joint Provincial Pavilion – Isreal – Saudi Arabia 下午:中國館—中國省市區館—以色列館—沙特館 Evening: Lebanon – Iran – DPRK – Japan – Republic of Korea 晚上:黎巴嫩館—伊朗館—朝鮮館—日本館—韓國館 Day Two 第二天 Morning: Thailand – Australia – Singapore – New Zealand – United Nations 上午:泰國館—澳大利亞館—新加坡館—新西蘭館—聯合國聯合館 Afternoon: Spain – Switzerland – France – Germany – US 下午:西班牙館—瑞士館—法國館—德國館—美國館 Evening: South Africa – Egypt – Russia – Italy – UK 晚上:南非館—埃及館—俄羅斯館—意大利館—英國館 Day Three 第三天 Morning: China Shipbuilding Industry Corp. Pavilion – Private Enterprises Joint Pavilion – London’s UBPA Exhibit 上午:中國船舶館—中國民營企業館—城市最佳實踐區建設案例之倫敦案例館 Afternoon: Pavilion of the Future – Expo Plaza – China Railway Pavilion 下午:未來館—博覽廣場—鐵路館 Evening: Coca-Cola Pavilion – Space Home Pavilion – State Grid Pavilion – Expo Museum 晚上:可口可樂館—太空傢園館—國傢電網館—世博博物館 |