english tutor,中學補習,補習社-外國也有“小皇帝”

【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】
曾經有一段時間,中國80後的獨生子女都被人稱為“小皇帝”。在傢裡,他的地位最高;父母、祖父母都得圍著他轉。他想在7點的時候看兒童節目,你就別想看《新聞聯播》。你覺得這是中國特色?那你錯瞭,其實國外也有這樣的現象,他們管這叫kindergarchy。 Kindergarchy, a blend of kinder (children) and the suffix –archy (rule), refers to rule or domination by children, or the belief that children's needs and preferences take precedence over those of their parents or other adults. Kindergarchy是kinder(兒童)和後綴archy(統治)的合成詞,指由孩子統治,或者認為孩子的需求和喜好優先於傢長和其他大人需求的觀點,即“孩子為王”。 We're living in a perilous new world that says kids, no matter what they do, are always lovely and are always to be encouraged — a new world order where the 'needs' of children rule above all else. 在這個危險的新世界裡,無論孩子們做什麼,他們永遠是可愛的,是需要鼓勵的。在這裡,孩子們的需求高於一切。 Ours is a society increasingly dominated by the needs of children, or rather by the extraordinarily inflated needs we have come to attribute to them. The amount of money and attention many parents lavish on their children not only doesn't do much for the characters of their sons and daughters, it diminishes the parents' lives as well. 我們的社會也日漸被孩子們的需求,日益膨脹的需求,所主導。這都是拜我們所賜。父母花在孩子身上大把的金錢和精力並沒有幫助孩子形成良好的品性,反而把父母們自己的生活也給犧牲瞭。
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    English Tutor

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