english tutor,中學補習,補習社-雙語:澳百歲老太破鉛球世界紀錄 |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 The oldest female athlete at the World Masters Games in Sydney has broken a world record in the shot put -- at the age of 100. All eyes were on Ruth Frith, from Brisbane, as she arrived for day two of the World Masters Games, hoping to win gold in the shot put and feeling pretty confident as she was the only competitor in the over-100s category. But her 4.07 metre (13 ft 4.2 in) throw on Sunday didn't just win her gold, but also broke a world record. "As long as I didn't foul I was going to win it," Frith told reporters. The great-grandmother is also a keen hammer and javelin thrower and believes other pensioners should follow her example. Frith trains five days a week, regularly lifting 35 kg (77 lb) weights. She doesn't drink or smoke and she doesn't eat vegetables either, claiming she hasn't liked them since she was young. Frith was clearly a star of the World Masters Games -- an event which attracts about 28,000 athletes -- and despite her age, said she has no plans to retire just yet. She contested her first World Masters Athletics Championships at the age of 74. The World Masters Games have been held every four years since they began in Toronto in 1985, according to their website (www.2009worldmasters.com) Open to people of all abilities and most ages, the games are the world's largest multi-sport event, attracting twice as many competitors than the Olympic Games, the website said. The main difference between the World Masters Games and the Olympic Games is that World Masters are open to people of all abilities rather than just elite athletes, with the emphasis on participation, the website added. “世界大師運動會”日前在悉尼舉行,本屆運動會上年齡最長的一名女選手在鉛球比賽中打破一項世界紀錄——而她今年已100歲高齡。 當來自佈裡斯班的露絲-弗裡斯於比賽第二天抵達比賽現場時,所有的目光都集中在她身上。弗裡斯希望能在推鉛球比賽中奪金,而且她相當自信,因為她是百歲以上組別中的唯一一名選手。 然而,她在上周日的推鉛球比賽中擲出的4.07米(13英尺4.2英寸)的成績不僅讓她獲得瞭金牌,而且還打破瞭一項世界紀錄。 弗裡斯在接受記者采訪時說:“隻要我不犯規,我就能贏。” 這位曾祖母還熱衷於扔鐵餅和擲標槍,她認為其他的退休老人應該向她學習。 露絲-弗裡斯每周五天定期進行35公斤(77磅)的舉重鍛煉。她不喝酒、不抽煙,而且不吃蔬菜,她說她從年輕的時候起就不愛吃蔬菜。 在本屆共吸引瞭2.8萬名參賽選手的“世界大師運動會”上,弗裡斯無疑是一位明星。盡管年事已高,但她還沒有“退役”的打算。她在74歲那年首次參加世界大師田徑錦標賽。 據世界大師運動會網站(www.2009worldmasters.com)介紹,首屆世界大師運動會於1985年在多倫多舉行,之後每四年舉行一次。 根據該網站,世界大師運動會面向的是各能力層次和幾乎各年齡段的人,是世界上規模最大的多項目體育賽事,參加該賽事的選手人數為奧運會參賽人數的兩倍。 世界大師運動會和奧運會的主要區別在於,世界大師運動會面向各能力層次的人,而非僅針對精英運動員,它更強調參與。 |